ARTICo³ Reference Designs

In the ARTICo³ toolchain, everything is modular. There is a common core based upon Python scripts, but the rest is highly configurable using the so-called Reference Designs or Templates.

Template Structure

The following files are contained in the Reference Design for hardware project generation:

|--- pcores
|    |--- artico3_shuffler_v1_00_a
|    |    |--- (...)
|    |
|    |--- (...)
|--- artico3.cfg
|--- build.tcl
|--- clean.tcl
|--- create_ip_library.tcl
|--- export.tcl
|--- <board>.xdc
|--- (...)
  • pcores: custom IP cores

  • artico3.cfg: ARTICo³ configuration file (see next section)

  • create_ip_library.tcl: script to generate Xilinx IP Core definitions from a valid set of source files (i.e., .vhd for VHDL, .v for Verilog)

  • export.tcl: script to generate the Vivado IP Integrator project for the ARTICo³ setup

  • build.tcl: script to generate the bitstreams (full and partial) for the ARTICo³ setup

  • clean.tcl: script to clean the generated files in the Vivado IP Integrator project for the ARTICo³ setup

  • <board>.xdc: low-level FPGA constraints for the ARTICo³ setup (e.g., reconfigurable accelerators floorplan)

:warning: NOTE: the folder pcores contains the required custom IP blocks to be used in Vivado IP integrator. The recommended approach is to generate symlinks to the elements in lib/pcores. In the previous hierarchy, the internal contents of the artico3_shuffler_v1_00_a folder have been removed for the sake of readability.

ARTICo³ Configuration File

The file artico3.cfg contains the ARTICo³ infrastructure configuration in the [Shuffler] section. Its fields are:

  • Slots - number of reconfigurable slots available in this device

  • PipeDepth - number of pipeline stages in the ARTICo³ infrastructure (between Shuffler and accelerators, used to avoid timing issues).

  • ClkBuffer - type of hardware primitive to use as clock buffers
    • none (disables clock gating features)
    • global (use global FPGA buffers)
    • horizontal (use local buffers per clock region)
  • RstBuffer - type of hardware primitive to use as reset buffers
    • none
    • global (use global FPGA buffers)
    • horizontal (use local buffers per clock region)