ARTICo³ Toolchain

This is a quick reference on the ARTICo³ toolchain used to generate and build ARTICo³-based systems.

Launch Instructions

The ARTICo³ Development Kit suite has to be launched in the same directory the build.cfg file is. The following commands can be used to launch it:

Set Up Environment

source $PATH_TO_A3_REPO/tools/
cd $PATH_TO_PROJ/<project_name>

Launch ARTICo³ Development Kit


Run Specific ARTICo³ Development Kit Command

a3dk <command>

Hardware System Generation

ARTICo³ Development Kit> info

Provides information on the current project.

ARTICo³ Development Kit> export_hw

Generates Vivado IP Integrator block design for the current system.

ARTICo³ Development Kit> build_hw

Generates bitstream for current system (requires export_hw).

ARTICo³ Development Kit> clean_hw

Cleans output products from hardware generation.

Software Application

ARTICo³ Development Kit> info

Provides information on the current project.

ARTICo³ Development Kit> export_sw

Generates directory structrure and required Makefile to build the current system.

ARTICo³ Development Kit> build_sw

Builds software application for the current system.

ARTICo³ Development Kit> clean_sw

Cleans output products from software compilation.

Operating System Support

ARTICo³ Development Kit> gen_driver

Builds the Linux driver to enable DMA Proxy devices.

ARTICo³ Development Kit> gen_overlay

Builds the Device Tree overlay required to use ARTICo³ in Linux.

ARTICo³ Development Kit> clean_os

Cleans output products from OS-related compilation.

Further Help

All commands have built-in help that can be activated passing the -h or --help argument in the command line.