ARTICo³ Project Structure

Project Folder

ARTICo³ projects need to show the following structure:

|--- build.cfg
|--- src
     |--- application
     |    |--- main.c
     |    |--- (...)
     |--- a3_<kernel_0_name>
     |    |--- hls
     |    |    |--- <kernel_0_name>.cpp
     |    |    |--- (...)
     |    |
     |    |--- vhdl
     |    |    |--- <kernel_0_name>.vhd
     |    |    |--- (...)
     |    |
     |    |--- verilog
     |         |--- <kernel_0_name>.v
     |         |--- (...)
     |--- (...)
     |--- a3_<kernel_n_name>
          |--- hls
          |    |--- <kernel_n_name>.cpp
          |    |--- (...)
          |--- vhdl
          |    |--- <kernel_n_name>.vhd
          |    |--- (...)
          |--- verilog
               |--- <kernel_n_name>.v
               |--- (...)

Configuration File

The file build.cfg contains all the required data to generate the target system.

General Settings

Defined under the [General] section. Its fields are:

  • Name - name of your application

  • TargetBoard - board to run your application on
    • pynq,c
    • mmp,c
    • zcu102,1
  • TargetPart - part to run you application on
    • xc7z020clg400-1
    • xc7z100ffg900-2
    • xczu9eg-ffvb1156-2-i
  • ReferenceDesign - reference design template
    • basic
  • TargetOS - operating system to use
    • linux
  • TargetXil - Xilinx tools to use
    • vivado,2017.1
  • CFlags - additional flags for compilation [OPTIONAL]

  • LdFlags - additional flags for linking [OPTIONAL]

  • LdLibs - additional libraries for linking [OPTIONAL]

Kernel Settings

Defined under the [A3Kernel@<kernel_name>] sections. There should be one for each kernel in the project. Its fields are:

  • HwSource - type of source code that should be used to generate the ARTICo³ accelerators
    • vhdl
    • verilog
    • hls
  • MemBytes - local memory storage size in Bytes (might be slightly increased to deal with bank partitioning, so that each memory bank contains an integer number of 32-bit words)
    • 1 - 65536
  • MemBanks - number of memory banks to be generated (each one provides only one R/W access port from/to the user logic)

  • Regs - number of Read/Write registers available in the kernel

  • RstPol - reset polarity of user logic (not required for HLS-based kernels)
    • high
    • low (default)

:warning: NOTE: MemBytes value is ORIENTATIVE, since the toolchain modifies it to get the closest (ceiling) value that renders a partitioning in which all banks (see next parameter) have an integer amount of 32-bit words (ARTICo³ data bus width). Therefore, and since there is a 64kiB limitation (hardware addressing), users should not push the limit (use only the amount of memory required).

:warning: NOTE: in HLS-based cores, MemBanks equals the amount of I/O ports specified in the code